An error occured when talking to the license server. Error Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
When accessing the module licensing section of one of the InteractiveWebs DotNetNuke modules, you receive a message "

An error occured when talking to the license server. Error Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Additionally you may also see this message on the front page with the module is installed. 
This module is unable to communicate with the InteractiveWebs Licensing Server for automat activation.
This can occur if the module is operated behind a firewall.

Contact InteractiveWebs for assistance with licensing this module.

The module is having trouble communicating with our licensing server. Most commonly this is caused because the hosting server is located behind a firewall preventing the communication.

There are two solutions to this problem. 

1. The easiest is to temporarily bring down the firewall preventing communication.

If that option is beyond your capabilities, or you do not have administrator level access. 

2. You can simply request via the InteractiveWebs website, using the help icon on every page, or the contact us page, that your URL be activated manually.

We will provide you with a zip file that contains a.DAT file representing the license file for your particular subdomain. The contents of the zip file needs to be extracted into the module folder.

For example: the InteractiveWebs feedback designer module folder would be found in: \DesktopModules\FeedbackDesigner\   within your sites directory structure.

Additional Comments
Submitting a support request ticket on the website, can be done utilising the contact us page. Alternatively working on the support help icon that appears on every page and either initiating an instantaneous contact, or submitting a support ticket through that system.